Reviews and Comments
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justmarkup rated The Future: 5 stars

The Future by Naomi Alderman
When Martha Einkorn fled her father’s isolated compound in Oregon, she never expected to find herself working for a powerful …
justmarkup rated Rosewater: 4 stars

Rosewater by Tade Thompson
"Rosewater is a town on the edge. A community formed around the edges of a mysterious biodome, its residents comprise …
justmarkup rated Six Wakes: 4 stars

Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty
"A space adventure set on a lone ship where the clones of a murdered crew must find their murderer -- …
justmarkup rated Moxyland: 3 stars

Moxyland by Lauren Beukes
Moxyland is a cyberpunk dystopian novel written by South African author, Lauren Beukes. The book was published in 2008. Moxyland …
justmarkup rated Gestatten: Elite: 3 stars

Gestatten: Elite by Julia Friedrichs
"Es gibt Menschen, sagte er, die sind oben; das sind Gewinner. Und Menschen, die sind unten; die Verlierer." Und wenn …
justmarkup rated The Redemption Of Time: 3 stars

The Redemption Of Time by Baoshu (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #4)
In the midst of an interstellar war, Yun Tianming found himself on the front lines. Riddled with cancer, he chose …
justmarkup rated VIEWS: 2 stars

VIEWS by Marc-Uwe Kling
Ein schockierendes Verbrechen – und alle werden es sehen
Die 16-jährige Lena Palmer verschwindet spurlos. Drei Tage später taucht sie …
justmarkup rated Goldilocks: 4 stars

Goldilocks by Laura Lam
A gripping science fiction thriller where five women task themselves with ensuring the survival of the human race — if …
justmarkup rated Ein Sandkorn am Himmel: 5 stars

Ein Sandkorn am Himmel by Isaac Asimov
Pebble in the Sky is Asimov's first full length novel. It begins with a retired tailor from the mid-20th Century, …
justmarkup rated Kernschatten: 3 stars

Kernschatten by Nils Westerboer

Grenzwelten - 2 Romane: (Das Wort für Welt ist Wald & Die Überlieferung) by Ursula K. Le Guin
Centuries in the future, Terrans have established a logging colony & military base named “New Tahiti” on a tree-covered planet …
justmarkup rated Der Schnitt durch die Sonne: 3 stars
justmarkup rated The Intelligent Investor: 4 stars

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
More than one million hardcovers sold Now available for the first time in paperback!
The Classic Text Annotated to Update …