
reviewed The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji (The House Murders, #1)

Yukito Ayatsuji: The Decagon House Murders (Paperback, 2021, Pushkin Vertigo) 3 stars

The lonely, rockbound island of Tsunojima is notorious as the site of a series of …

Review - The Decagon House Murders

3 stars

Published in 1978, THE DECAGON HOUSE MURDERS is credited with launching the shinhonkaku movement, a return to Golden Age style plotting and clue provision for the reader to discover along the way. It's often described as a subgenre of the honkaku style - which can best be described as whodunit's rather than why or howdunits. The timeframe of the emergence of both of these styles is particularly interesting, with honkaku mostly considered to have been at its most prolific from the late 1880's to the mid 1950's and shinhonkaku styled novels prevalent from the late 1980s through to around 1997, although examples are still being published today. Perhaps as a result of those distinct timeframes, novels from the shinhonkaku period are normally seen as more interactive or lively, incorporating critical commentary of both itself and other works (or theories / methodologies) commonly deployed in Golden Age works, whereas honkaku is more traditional or conventional in style and execution. Full Review at: