Chris Masters: Flawed Hero (EBook, Allen & Unwin) 5 stars

The shocking story of the case against Australia's most highly decorated soldier, Ben Roberts-Smith VC …

Review - Flawed Hero

5 stars

A full, reasonably dispassionate scrutiny of the defamation trial bought by Ben Roberts-Smith as a result of the investigations that Chris Masters and fellow journalist Nick McKenzie did into rumours of war crimes committed by BRS. Needless to say, the case was sensational, and followed closely by many Australian's, but fair to say not as closely as those involved in what would be a complex undertaking. From the outside it often seemed like BRS had scored an own goal on many occasions, but on the inside it was not so clear, clouded as well by the potential outcome for the participants should the case have gone the way of the applicant.

Well-written, this is an extremely detailed outline of the testimony of various witnesses, and the impact that the case had on them - many of them fellow soldiers with BRS. It also takes you through some of the research, and background, to the stories that Masters, McKenzie and other journalists worked on that lead up to the trial.

BRS currently has an appeal running in the High Court (although last I saw on the matter was an eyewatering amount of money to be submitted against the potential for costs), so I'm not sure what's happening.

The defamation case dismissed the claims of BRS, effectively (and I'm paraphrasing here), suggesting that there was more than enough evidence of him being guilty of many of the crimes, and therefore, could not be defamed. The appeal is likely to be heard in February 2024.