Kibrika reviewed Cryptonomicon, tome 3 by Neal Stephenson
Review of 'Cryptonomicon, tome 3 ' on 'Goodreads'
If this is what historical fiction is, I might be into historical fiction. I really, really loved this book.
This book might have had a bit of an advantage because just before it I read a book with the title "[b:The Algebraist|12009|The Algebraist|Iain M. Banks||2465248]" that had no trace of mathematics in it. Then I started reading this book, which by title sounds like some fantasy book, but instead it starts with actual mathematicians talking actual mathematics. And obviously not the textbook kind that's hard to follow in audio form, the interesting kind.
My main complaint about this book is that because I'm not very good at history (or geography), I might take away some incorrect ideas about what happened in WWII. Or maybe about Philippines. If you know a cool video explaining the actual history behind this books events, point me to it.
In any case, I found this book to be amazing. A large cast of characters that I could nevertheless tell apart and remember. Intriguing storyline. And I already gushed about mathematics representation.
Great, great book.