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"Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know." -- Michel de Montaigne
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Kevin Krebs rated The vital question: 5 stars

The vital question by Nick Lane
A biochemist, building on the pillars of evolutionary theory and drawing on cutting-edge research into the link between energy and …
Kevin Krebs rated A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century: 4 stars

A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century by Barbara W. Tuchman
The fourteenth century reflects two contradictory images: on the one hand, a glittering age of crusades, cathedrals, and chivalry; on …
Kevin Krebs rated Language of the spirit: 4 stars
Kevin Krebs rated e: The Story of a Number: 3 stars
Kevin Krebs rated Crossing Home Ground: 4 stars
Kevin Krebs rated Empire of Ants: 3 stars

Empire of Ants by Susanne Foitzik, Olaf Fritsche
This sweeping portrait of the world’s uncontested six-legged conquerors will open your eyes to the secret societies thriving right beneath …
Kevin Krebs rated The blind watchmaker: 4 stars

The blind watchmaker by Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins's classic remains the definitive argument for our modern understanding of evolution.
Kevin Krebs rated Proof! How the World Became Geometrical: 3 stars
Kevin Krebs rated The sting of the wild: 4 stars

Justin O. Schmidt: The sting of the wild (2016, Johns Hopkins University Press)
The sting of the wild by Justin O. Schmidt
"Entomologist Justin O. Schmidt is on a mission. Some say it's a brave exploration, other shake their heads in disbelief. …
Kevin Krebs rated The worst of times: 4 stars
Kevin Krebs rated At Sea With the Marine Birds of the Raincoast: 5 stars
Kevin Krebs rated Silent Earth: 5 stars
Kevin Krebs rated Under A White Sky: 5 stars

Under A White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert
Elizabeth Kolbert takes a hard look at the new world we are creating. Along the way, she meets biologists who …