Michael @ Knowledge Lost reviewed Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Review of 'Life of Pi' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
This book reminds me so much of [b:The Alchemist|865|The Alchemist|Paulo Coelho|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1287827991s/865.jpg|4835472] in the sense it was very basic and it tries to talk about religion in and philosophical but turns out to be incredibly overrated. I know a lot of people like both book but I never connected with either, I was expecting a lot more from this but I was left hanging. It’s interesting to see books like this that seem to be either well loved or well hated but not much in the middle. This book is just a story about a kid trying every religion out and then get trapped on the boat with some animals, nothing really exciting or interesting happens.