China Miéville, China Miville: Embassytown (Hardcover, 2011, Brand: Macmillan, MacMillan) 4 stars

Embassytown is a science fiction novel by British author China Miéville. It was published in …

Review of 'Embassytown' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Embassytown reminds me a lot of [a:Ursula K. Le Guin|874602|Ursula K. Le Guin|]'s book [b:The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia|13651|The Dispossessed An Ambiguous Utopia|Ursula K. Le Guin||2684122], in the sense that it focuses on some really heavy concepts but the plot doesn't really go anywhere. This book is more like [a:China Miéville|33918|China Miéville|] playing with language more than telling a story; so maybe he should be remind me of [a:James Joyce|5144|James Joyce|]. The books main focus is the aliens and the communication they have with the people of Embassytown. Genetically-engineered linguists known as Ambassadors have the task of keeping the peace between the people and the aliens (known as hosts). This is a book explores not only political aspects but the role of language in the world; taking insights from theoretical and philosophical like Jacques Derrida or Paul Ricoeur.

I really like [a:China Miéville|33918|China Miéville|]'s writing style and I wanted to like this book more, it was a little too heavy on exploring his weird concepts and langague and a little too light on the story line to give this book a higher rating. Miéville is an amazing and weird writing, if you ever get the chance to read his works, do it, don't let my reviews put you off. I will be reading more of his works later, I won't give up on this writer. I loved [b:The City & The City|4703581|The City & The City|China Miéville||4767909], so I know what he is capable, its just a matter of him finding the balance between concepts and plots.