Reviews and Comments

Martin Kopischke

Joined 3 years, 2 months ago

Purveyor of finest boredom since 1969. Lost causes catered for. He / him (they / them is fine, too). English / deutsch / français. (@kopischke on BirdSite)

My ratings can look harsh, because they do not reflect how much I enjoyed a book; instead, I try to assess how exceptional a piece of literature I find it. I quite like a lot of books I “only” rate three stars, and I wouldn’t necessarily enjoy re-reading everything I rate above that, but the only service I use which helps me express that kind of nuance is Letterboxd.

For reference: ★★★★★ Flawless 
★★★★☆ Must read 
★★★☆☆ Above average 
★★☆☆☆ Oh, well
 ★☆☆☆☆ Blargh

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reviewed Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert (Dune, #2)

Frank Herbert: Dune Messiah (EBook, 2019, Gollancz) 4 stars

Dune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better known – and feared – as …

This could have been good

2 stars

Oof”, that was all I could think of on finishing this. Having failed to muster the interest to do this 35 years or so ago, I have, post-movie, finally caved to the fan recommendations that one “must simply” read this and the next two, at the very least.

What shall I say? 35 years ago me was right on gut judgment and the assessment of entertainment value. Herbert might have intended the Dune cycle to be a meditation on power and Messianic figures from the start, or he might simply have known a good thing when he saw it and milked the success of the first book, but there is a reason why Dune the book is an absolute classic, and Dune the series is for fanpeople* only. The writing is good and moody, but the whole thing is strung out far beyond what the flimsy structure is …

Joe Abercrombie: Sharp Ends (EBook, 2017, Gollancz) 4 stars

The Union army may be full of bastards, but there's only one who thinks he …

Short Abercrombie is the best Abercrombie

3 stars

This collection of short to very short stories ties directly into the First Law universe. As a complement to the main arcs, they are an unmitigated good read, highlighting Abercrombie’s strengths (compelling characters and a master’s sense for a scene’s mood) without giving him the room to play to his favourite weaknesses (cynicism and crypto-antisemitic conspiracy threads). On their own, they will probably not do much for you.

reviewed Quantum of Nightmares by Charles Stross (New Management, #2)

Charles Stross: Quantum of Nightmares (EBook, 2022, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

It’s a brave new Britain under the New Management. The avuncular Prime Minister is an …

A whimsical gorefest

3 stars

Stross has commented in the past that the post-Brexit UK’s trajectory has a tendency to make his Laundry Files parallel universe far less outrageously “out there” than he intended. The spin-off New Management series, of which this is the second instalment, has thus dialed things up quite a bit, with the government taken over by a Lovecraftian Elder God who is slowly turning the UK into a hybrid of late capitalist dystopia and a very bloody occult domain.

All this to say: this is not for the faint of heart. As an introduction to the Laundry Files, New Management is not recommended, and this volume isn’t recommended as a starting point for the latter either. The goriness, ever lurking around in the series, attains new heights. At the same time, the characters are engaging as ever, the pacing and storytelling tight, the world-building superb, and there is an unexpected …

reviewed When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo (The Singing Hills Cycle, #2)

Nghi Vo, Nghi Vo: When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain (EBook, 2020, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

The cleric Chih finds themself and their companions at the mercy of a band of …

Highly recommended

4 stars

I wasn’t quite sure how Nghi Vo would continue after her Empress of Salt and Fortune – after all, her main character Chih, the recording monk, is hardly fit to carry sustained narratives. I needn’t have worried: this never tries to burden them with that task.

Instead, we are treated (and what a treat it is) to another take on the magic of storytelling and the nature of truth. If Empress was all about the true story lying hidden, this is about how the truth of stories is negotiable. Formally consistent with, and sharing the same rich world building as its predecessor, this second instalment is as enjoyable as the first, a wonderful feat of complex storytelling happening without any of the usual fanfare.

reviewed The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo (The Singing Hills Cycle, #1)

Nghi Vo, Nghi Vo: The Empress of Salt and Fortune (EBook, 2020, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

With the heart of an Atwood tale and the visuals of a classic Asian period …

Slow reading with a capital “S”

3 stars

– which, in case you were unsure, is a good thing, because you can enjoy peeling away fine layer after fine layer from the story Nghi Vo so intricately wrapped for you. The experience is, there is no other word for it, exquisite.

reviewed Invisible Sun by Charles Stross (Empire Games, #3)

Charles Stross: Invisible Sun (EBook, 2021, Pan McMillan) 4 stars

Two twinned worlds are waiting for war …

America is caught in a deadly arms …

Sometimes, taking your premise and running with it is all that is needed

3 stars

Stross’ Merchant Princes series, of which the Empire Games trilogy this concludes is a part, is a poster child for this principle: assuming there are parallel Earth timelines in which development of society (and life, at times) wildly varies, what happens when one technologically less advanced line discovers it can travel to a more advanced one? Start with a knight armed with a submachine gun attacking your hapless protagonist, and take it from there until you arrive at transtemporal nuclear powered space battleships parked on the ISS’ lawn.

If you think this sounds like a silly, incoherent mess, you can be forgiven: in the hands of a lesser author, it easily might have been. What saves Stross are his well rounded characters and an ironclad grasp of what plotting individual arcs along the basic workings of society and history means. Add complex, richly textured world building, a healthy dose of …

reviewed The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang (Tensorate, #1)

Neon Yang: The Black Tides of Heaven (EBook, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

Mokoya and Akeha, the twin children of the Protector, were sold to the Grand Monastery …

Well, yeah, but, no?

3 stars

I really wanted to like this: I am a big fan of what Aliette de Bodard does with traditional Vietnamese influences both in her Xuya Universe and her Dominion of the Fallen series, so this one, with its Wǔxíng based magic system (Chinese, not Vietnamese version) looked great, and challenging Western binary gender representation is a bonus. One of my students recently did her graduation film on queer identity in a German-Vietnamese context, queer reclaimed Guanyin and all, so you could say this ticked boxes.

Unluckily, the novel is hamstrung by a meandering plot, shallow characterisation and haphazard world-building, with a magic-reinforced version of Imperial Chinese authority sitting smack in the middle of an otherwise unexplained technological revolution. As a piece of fantastic literature, this is simply not that interesting, I’m sorry to say (how good a novel of queer identity it is, I can’t tell, being as a heterosexual …

Glen Cook: A Fortress In Shadow (EBook, 2007, Night Shade Books) 3 stars

Collects the two Dread Empire prequels:

  1. The Fire in His Hands (1984)
  2. With Mercy Towards …

This was … “interesting”

3 stars

… which is what my father says when he is too polite to tell people he doesn’t like something, but will grant them it was worth making the experience.

I was pointed to this by an /r/AskHistorians thread extolling Glen Cook’s virtues in portraying pre-modern warfare. Like my father, I will grant that reading the novels is not an experience I regret as such. Unlike him, I will come out and say I didn’t particularly relish the experience either.

Yes, this is well written enough; yes, it probably felt very fresh and unconventional in the early eighties; and yes, Cook does have a good understanding of pre-modern warfare both at the battle and at the campaign level. If that is your thing, go for it. Me, I wish Cook also had an idea of the logistics and societal / economic conditions dictating the operations of pre-modern armies, which he obviously …

reviewed The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie (The Age of Madness, #3)

Joe Abercrombie: The Wisdom of Crowds (EBook, Orion) 3 stars

Chaos. Fury. Destruction. The Great Change is upon us...

Some say that to change the …

Polished cynicism

3 stars

Many swear by Abercrombie and his First Law series, which this continues to expand on (set one generation later, it features characters out of the first series, their children, as well as characters from the spinoffs), but I am torn.

On the one hand, there is no doubt Abercrombie is a master storyteller with a far greater claim to “realism” in pseudo-medieval fantasy than, say, G.R.R. Martin, able to conjure up both engrossing landscapes of pre-modern society and attaching characters. That he has a decent understanding of pre-modern warfare also helps his military campaigns plot lines.

On the other hand, Abercrombie’s cynicism (“everybody is either weak or evil in the end”) is a real turn-off. The first series sacrificed all investment your might have made into its protagonists for the sake of an “if magicians existed, they’d be the biggest dicks of all” message (not that I quibble with that …

Tony Cliff: Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant (GraphicNovel, 2016, First Second) 3 stars

Lovable ne’er-do-well Delilah Dirk is an adventurer for the 19th century. She has traveled to …

reviewed A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers (Monk and Robot, #1)

Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built (EBook, 2021, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

It’s been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; …

Humane sci-fi. With robots.

4 stars

There isn’t much I can add to’s review; once again, Chambers is simply wonderful. Here, she is running with the wholesome if slightly insipid promise for the future Solarpunk holds to explore human condition and (not entirely incidentally, I suspect) thumb a very long nose at the whole “machine uprising” crowd. I don’t know how someone can be so relentlessly, melancholically upbeat, but I do know I had to finish this before work, and that I had a little happy cry when I did.