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Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

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Kris's books

Currently Reading

Len Rix, Magda Szabo: Abigail (EBook, 2020, New York Review Books) No rating

Abigail, the story of a headstrong teenager growing up during World War II, is the …

Their little games and cunning schemes, their anger and their acts of spitefulness seemed miles away from her now, she in whom the General had placed his trust, who was the bearer of secrets in whose recesses lurked the shadow of death.

Abigail by ,

From Ch. 11 | The Statue Speaks

Len Rix, Magda Szabo: Abigail (EBook, 2020, New York Review Books) No rating

Abigail, the story of a headstrong teenager growing up during World War II, is the …

Life undoubtedly calls for dignity and self-discipline, and for a person to be able to react to things in an adult way it was necessary to distinguish between what was merely unpleasant and what was truly bad, especially in wartime, when all over the world people were dying in their tens and hundreds of thousands.

Abigail by ,

From Ch. 1 | Gina is Sent to Boarding School