William Shakespeare: Hamlet (2017, The Arden Shakespeare) 4 stars

In this quintessential Shakespeare tragedy, a young prince's halting pursuit of revenge for the murder …

Review of 'Hamlet' on Goodreads

4 stars

I've never read such a colourful noire detective story before. Luscious retrofuturistic architecture with bold colour contrasts that never feels out of place and time. The brilliance and variety of the endless stream of costumes & masquerades transcend in audacity even the Fifth Element's wardrobe. The clean, flat drawings capture both the details of characters and settings while bringing alive the dynamism of the story's many energetic sequences.

The story is highly topical, a what-if scenario on the near-future state of on-line privacy. Lots of interesting extrapolations on how things could become, new social norms & balances, new behaviours, new realities that never feel far off from our own. Lots of funny chuckles both from the story's twists and from references to our own era.