William Shakespeare: Hamlet (2017, The Arden Shakespeare) 4 stars

In this quintessential Shakespeare tragedy, a young prince's halting pursuit of revenge for the murder …

Review of 'Hamlet' on Goodreads

5 stars

How does guilt mold and guide you? How do your memories prevent you from reconciling with your present? How do you get stuck focused on what's behind, missing what's right next to you? How does your family sculpt you despite your fierce desire against it? Promises you end up not keeping, against others, against yourself. How long do you wait until you move on, and how do you move on?

Where do you find meaning and who do you appoint as your guiding light? What if you you're the only one who sees that light?

What happens when you force yourself to blend in, abandoning your true identity?

A dark story with enough characters to explore all of the above and then some. Exquisite drawings that capture both the deep characters and the living city they inhabit. They confidently veer off their arresting realism when the story demands it, from the inspired fluidity of the protagonist's self-image to the occasional, reality-bending visions of key characters.