Reviews and Comments

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Gerald Malcolm Durrell: My Family and Other Animals (Paperback, 2004, Penguin Books) 4 stars

My Family and Other Animals is an autobiographical work by naturalist Gerald Durrell, telling of …

Review of 'My Family and Other Animals' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Pārlasot pēc vairāk nekā desmit gadiem, cilvēki un notikumi šķiet vēl kolorītāki un smieklīgāki, atklājas visādi lieliskumi, kurus mazpadsmit gados es vēl nenovērtēju tik pilnvērtīgi.

Oscar Wilde: De Profundis Oscar Wilde (2021, Independently Published) 4 stars

Review of 'De Profundis Oscar Wilde' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Sad and broken this book resonated with me when I feet sad and betrayed. That's why I never finished it - as my emotional turmoil passed I left it for good. However I still consider it among the important books of my life.

Also, one should never underestimate the poetical quality of Wilde's writing - he is the master of the word through and through, even when expressing his own complicated emotions, even when in petty jail.

Stanisław Lem: His master's voice (1999, Northwestern University Press) 4 stars

Review of "His master's voice" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Mani pamatīgi kaitina S.Lema rakstīšanas stils, bet to atsver tas, cik ļoti mani valdzina idejas un vide. Slēgtais, īpaši slepenais valsts nozīmes projekts, dažādu nozaru zinātnieku savstarpēji mazliet nievīgā attieksme un citas zinātnieku "sabiedrības" peripētijas, un tam pāri ne vienmēr cildinoši, taču ļoti pamatoti jautājumi/spriedumi par cilvēkiem, sabiedrību un cilvēci vispār.