layona finished reading Translation State by Ann Leckie

Translation State by Ann Leckie
The mystery of a missing translator sets three lives on a collision course that will have a ripple effect across …
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The mystery of a missing translator sets three lives on a collision course that will have a ripple effect across …
Tells a rich, claustrophobic story of a galactic voyage that forces one guardsmen to confront his uneasy family history through …
When the prince of Enlad declares the wizards have forgotten their spells, Ged sets out to test the ancient prophecies …
When young Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, everything is taken …
For just a moment, things seem to be under control for the soldier known as Breq.
Then a search of …
Following her record-breaking debut trilogy, Ann Leckie, winner of the Hugo, Nebula, Arthur C. Clarke and Locus Awards, returns with …
Listen. A god is speaking. My voice echoes through the stone of your master's castle. The castle where he finds …
Listen. A god is speaking. My voice echoes through the stone of your master's castle. The castle where he finds …
Babel-17 is a 1966 science fiction novel by American writer Samuel R. Delany in which the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis (that language …
Content warning Slight spoiler
Parable of the Sower and its sequel are among my favorite of Octavia Butler’s books, and certainly the most prescient and memorable for me personally. The religion created in this book still feels real in some way, as if in some ways it has caught on indirectly. The concepts behind Earthseed made so much sense, rationally sensible without supernatural elements, while still appealing to deeply irrational and emotional aspects of the human psyche. I feel that many conscientous people in our world today have adopted many of these same ideas, though not necessarily with the aspect of driving toward migration of life to other planets. So much in Earthseed is about our relationship to a constantly changing universe.
Also, I feel that these books anticipated Trumpism, by presenting the dangers of a US spiral into fascistic political patterns. Yet despite this cautionary aspect, these books teach how loving community can powerfully counter fascism, and lead to a hopeful future for humanity. EDIT: I probably need to re-read this again, after so many years. Other reviews have made me realize that I forgot some important aspects.
This was the book that got me started on reading Stross, many years ago (I have no idea when). It's a longtime favorite, with mindblowing ideas combined with compelling characters and story.