Christopher Moore: Lamb (2003, Harper Paperbacks) 4 stars

The birth of Jesus has been well chronicled, as have his glorious teachings, acts, and …

Review of 'Lamb' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I read this book in hardcover when it came out years ago, and just loved it to pieces. Thanks to a Kindle sale recently I bought it again, and read it again. For me this is one of Chris Moore's best books (possibly THE best, although I have a lot of fondness for “Bloodsucking Fiends”). Assuming the very premise of the entire book does not offend you, it is smart and well-researched. Compared to many of his other books the plot is more complex and the characters are more interesting. There is less of the manic slapstick wackiness in this book, although it is definitely still there. If you hate his style you still won’t like this book. But overall I don’t regret buying it twice, it is a fun read.