Kc Wayland, Shane Salk, A Full Cast: We're Alive (Hardcover, 2011, Wayland Productions and Blackstone Audio, Inc., Blackstone Audiobooks) 4 stars

Review of "We're Alive" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Randomly bumped into this when searching 'story' in a podcast directory (might've been iTunes or gpodder - don't remember). I was pleasantly surprised with the first few episodes and kept listening. Production quality is excellent, the characters are relatable and the story is told well.

Other reviewers have express their annoyance about the imperfectness of the characters - some make stupid mistakes, some are annoying or and some behave as assholes (at times). I can relate to that, but it also makes the characters more real and relatable. Aren't we all stupid, annoying or unpleasant at times?