A. Lee Martinez: Too many curses (2008) 3 stars

The wizard Margle the Horrendous takes special pride in never killing his enemies. Instead, he …

Review of 'Too many curses' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

"In her mind, all problems were divided into three categories.

There were the Present Problems, which demanded immediate attention.

There were the Soon Problems, which were quick to become Present Problems unless judiciously handled.

And there were the Later Problems, which were not worth worrying about because they might become Present Problems or they might become Soon Problems or, when she was fortunate, might grow into Never Problems.

Never Problems occupied an invisible fourth slot in this spectrum, but, as they were difficulties that never existed, she'd never actually defined them consciously. She was far too practical for such abstract philosophy."

Which is quite a good characterization of Nessy, the main protagonist. And a nugget of wisdom for the rest of us.

The book itself is an entertaining, quick read.