Ralph Miliband: Socialism for a sceptical age (1995, Verso) 4 stars

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4 stars

Although this was written in the late 1990s and is thus somewhat out of date, much of what the author writes is still very current, and of all the books I've read on this topic, it alone addresses how, exactly, a socialist government would be able to function and what the limitations and difficulties are that it would face as it tried to mend the damage capitalism has done to the majority of any given nation's population. He also stresses repeatedly that such a government could only succeed (and avoid descending into the distortions of socialism that we have seen in the past) by drawing on the support of a majority of the population with its various civic and social organisations and on local structures. Thus, the vital task - both before and after a socialist government comes to power - is to bring such support into being.