Ashley Poston: Geekerella (2019, Yabancı Yayınları) 4 stars

Geek girl Ellie hopes to go to ExcelsiCon Cosplay to meet the actor (closet nerd …

Review of 'Geekerella' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

The first book in Ashley Poston's Once Upon a Con trilogy, Geekerella is a Cinderella retelling set around a sci-fi TV show, Starfield, and its annual convention.
This story will resonate with teens who feel the angst and frustration that comes with being mature enough to determine their own futures, but trapped because their parents still make most of the big decisions in their lives. Darien and Elle are both in situations where the adults in their lives are excessively controlling, and they're both almost, but not yet, old enough to escape it. The characters feel authentic, and their friendship and budding romance is super cute. Honestly, all of the friendships in this book are wonderful!
"You don't have to always do everything alone, you know."
Geekerella is just geeky enough—perfect for readers who are major sci-fi fans (and cosplayers) without alienating readers who enjoy sci-fi more casually. I loved the book's themes on friendship, letting others into your heart, being brave enough to go for what you really want, and autonomy. Overall a very wholesome, happy, comfort read.