Holly Lewis: The Politics of Everybody (Hardcover, 2016, Zed Books) 5 stars

It’s commonly understood within the academy that the terms “man,” “woman,” and “other” are socially …

Anti-capitalist struggle is not a matter of making people aware of how bad life is under capitalism. It is not a matter of guilting the rich into making concessions. The only awareness campaign capable of making a difference in capitalist accumulation is the one that explains to working people what the liberal awareness campaign intentionally ignores: how the capitalist mode of production actually works.

The Politics of Everybody by 

the paragraph goes on: "But even awareness about the capitalist mode of production will not change it. You actually have to change it to change it. And changing it is a collective action that requires more than awareness. But it is an action that anybody can join."

I love how simple, straightforward and PUNCHY her writing is. It's easy to read, and I can already hear someone shouting this through a loudhailer in a protest :D