
reviewed Мы – Легион. Мы – Боб by Dennis E. Taylor (Вселенная Боба, #1)

Dennis E. Taylor: Мы – Легион. Мы – Боб (EBook, Russian language, 2021, Fanzon) 4 stars

Боб Йоханссон – инженер и фанат вселенной «Звездного пути» – заключает договор с криокомпанией, которая …

Review of 'Мы – Легион. Мы – Боб' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

A decent premise ruined by a thoroughly irritating POV character that we end up with multiple indistinguishable copies of. There is a moment near the start where it looks like an unsympathetic character might possibly have to confront his character flaws and suffer for his hubris, but nope, Bob turns out to be the perfect Mary Sue for this post apocalyptic space exploration Isekai. The most irritating feature is the author's tendency to declare various things as universal truths when there's scant evidence presented to justify it and besides this is a work of fiction, bringing attention to it just ruins the suspension of disbelief. By far the most disgusting section is his adventures intervening in primitive civilizations where every decision is wrong and horrific but is apparently justified.
Steer clear, for tales of distributed intelligence go read the Ancillary books, for hard sci-fi tales of early stage colonization there's the Expanse, for Pop culture laden self insert ego trips there's always Homestuck.