William Gibson (unspecified): Mona Lisa Overdrive (Paperback, German language, 2000, Heyne) 4 stars

Mona Lisa Overdrive is the final novel of the William Gibson's cyberpunk Sprawl trilogy.

Living …

Review of 'Mona Lisa Overdrive' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

"A year here and he still dreamed of cyberspace, hope fading nightly. All the speed he took, all the turns he’d taken and the corners he’d cut in Night City, and still he’d see the matrix in his sleep, bright lattices of logic unfolding across that colorless void."

Neuromancer is one of those classics. It's the book that introduced the term Cyberspace before the internet existed. While reading it I kept getting flashbacks to the Matrix movies, they undoubtedly have been inspired by the book.

So Neuromancer has been a great influence on todays world.
But I surely had a hard time following the story and getting through the books was a struggle.
I guess the ideas in it where awesome, but the writing isn't very good.