Dennis E. Taylor: The Singularity Trap (Paperback, 2018, Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency) 4 stars

After scrimping and saving for two years, Ivan Pritchard lands a berth with the mining …

Review of 'The Singularity Trap' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Darn, that was a disappointing read!

After the Bobiverse I expected a lot, but this book never delivered.
Some of my main disappointments:
- Characters where way to flat and one-dimensional.
- Too many dumb nineties pop-culture jokes that didn't fit in a story 200 years in the future (and felt like a Ready Player One rip-off)
- Storyline was super slow, it took about half the book to get into it.
- There was almost no talk about the singularity, or what that would look like.

I would say: just go read another book. This one isn't worth your time :(