Theodore Sturgeon: More Than Human (1999, Vintage Books) 4 stars

More Than Human is a 1953 science fiction novel by American writer Theodore Sturgeon. It …

Review of 'More than human' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Coincidentally picked up this book about an emerging gestalt lifeform while watching Sens8 on Netflix. The author, Theodore Sturgeon, is the creator of Sturgeon's Law -- "90 percent of everything is crap." The narrative voice jumps around a bit, as does the actual line of the narrative. Perspective shifts occur 3 or 4 times during the story, but they're done with skill, representing progressive stages of awareness or awakening.

The conclusion -- building on the characters comprising the gestalt being's discovery of a new ethos for themselves -- is inspiring, spiritual, humanistic, satisfying, and ultimately inevitable, and a powerfully optimistic insight into what our relationship could be with the super-intelligent AI's humanity will someday build.