Chris van Tulleken: Ultra-Processed People (Paperback, 2024, Penguin) 4 stars

An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food.

It's not …

Depressing! But good

4 stars

This was a good read, though it was mostly things I didn't want to hear.

Before reading this, and as quite a data driven (I like to think) logical, person the concept of calories-in-calories-out made sense to me. The idea that actually food is just molecules and the fashion it's cooked or prepared doesn't matter so much appealed to part of my brain.

To read this contrasting, more holistic view that actually we've evolved as a complex organism and that you can't completely detach those years of evolution and diet from what we are now seems obvious.

It seems impossible to avoid processed food in the modern world, but there's a solid argument for reducing your consumption and eating more "naturally".

The reminder that if someone is marketing something to you, and makes money the more you eat of something, the more you should question whether their product is going to have your best interests at heart.

I liked that this book wasn't overly preachy or demand that you make a load of major lifestyle changes. It genuinely came across as someone just wanting to share their experience and knowledge.