
A host of the smartest young adult authors come together in this collection of scary …

Review of 'Slasher girls and monster boys' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I read this book cover-to-cover in 3 days. If I could have read this book while biking home without the risk of crashing into the river, I definitely would have.

Must read stories:
- The Birds of Azalea Street by Nova Ren Suma
- In the Forest Dark and Deep by Carrie Ryan (** my favorite story of the anthology)
- Hide and Seek by Megan Shepherd

I think it takes a lot to create an anthology, especially for YA readers, and even more so for horror. Both are such nuanced genres that require so much thought and are held to such a high standard, and Tucholke not only does an incredible job compiling this anthology, but her own stories are b-o-s-s. This is one of my favorite anthologies and I can't wait to read it again in October!