Lee Mylne: Sustainable Travel for Dummies (2024, Wiley & Sons, Limited, John) 4 stars


4 stars

For something I picked off a library shelf at random, this was a really interesting read for me. I like to research and come up with potential future vacation itineraries a lot, so travel is something I often think about (more than I actually do it...), but never really considered my impact on the places I've visited.

There are tons of references to specific organizations and companies engaged in sustainable practices in this book that I'd never heard of. So many, that I found myself stopping damn near every other page to whip out my phone and save a link to look at later. Thankfully they're all saved in one place at

Some sections were a bit repetitive and there was one paragraph that appeared in two separate chapters almost verbatim, but that makes sense when remembering the disclaimer at the front that the author was expecting a reader to just flip around and read the parts that seemed interesting to them. I guess a reader going through the whole thing sequentially (like I did) wasn't how the author expected most people to engage with this book, but I didn't find anything detrimental about this.

Definitely a surprisingly influential book that is going to have an affect on my future bucket list logistical planning!