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I make things on the internet and do weird research on digital waste, infrastructure, care and ontology. is my usual fediverse home.
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mistertim's books
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mistertim wants to read Satanic Feminism by Per Faxneld
mistertim wants to read Body & Soul by Loic Wacquant
mistertim started reading Signal Traffic by Lisa Parks
mistertim finished reading Systems Ultra by Georgina Voss

Systems Ultra by Georgina Voss
Systems Ultra explores how we experience complex systems: the mesh of things, people, and ideas interacting to produce their own …
mistertim finished reading Aramis, or, The Love of Technology by Bruno Latour
mistertim started reading Aramis, or, The Love of Technology by Bruno Latour
mistertim finished reading Catalonia's Human Towers by Mariann Vaczi
mistertim finished reading A Short Incomplete History of Technologies that Scale by Anthony Downey

A Short Incomplete History of Technologies that Scale by Nóra Ó Murchú, Janez F. Janša, Asia Bazdyrieva, and 6 others
The word scale is tricky. It invites many definitions, orientations and connections to ourselves, our surroundings and our tools. However, …
mistertim wants to read Cosmotechnics by Yuk Hui
mistertim started reading Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene by Nils Bubandt

Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene by Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Nils Bubandt, Rachel Cypher
Answering methodological challenges posed by the Anthropocene, this collection retools the empirical study of the socioecological chaos of the contemporary …