Maxwell Volume started reading Hotel World by Ali Smith

Hotel World by Ali Smith, Ali Smith
Hotel World is a postmodern novel, influenced by modernist novels, written by Ali Smith. The novel portrays the stages of …
Musician, occasional writer, civil and digital liberties activist, trans-dimensional etymologist, surrealist sportsman, dangling participle.
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Hotel World is a postmodern novel, influenced by modernist novels, written by Ali Smith. The novel portrays the stages of …
Back in 1985, Frank Mackey was nineteen, growing up poor in Dublin's inner city and living crammed into a small …
In his highly acclaimed debut, A Pale View of Hills, Kazuo Ishiguro tells the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman …
Suffering a bit from SFNS (Silly Fantasy Name Syndrome) but it's Daniel Abraham, who co-wrote The Expanse, so the prose and pacing thus far more than makes up for the glossary's worth of hard to take seriously place and character names to remember. Getting a bit of Malazan vibe so far, which can only be a good thing.
In a clash of heores, the kingdom is born.
In the middle years of the ninth-century, the fierce Danes stormed …
Six months after the events of In the Woods, Detective Cassie Maddox is still trying to recover. She's transferred out …
I've decided to start a re-read of Holdstock's Mythago cycle in the story order as opposed to the published order... It's an interesting experience thus far as I've not re-read them since they were published (with the exception of Mythago Wood & Lavondyss) - and I've not read the final novel Avilion at all - I was too upset at Robert dying so unexpectedly and young.
Reading this was for me much like watching an episode of 70s UK TV like The Sweeny or The Professionals - slightly iffy but enjoyable enough mid- to low-brow entertainment to pass an evening, but nothing more than that. The quality of the prose was quite poor in many places, so I dropped a star from what would otherwise have been a down the middle three star average read.
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and …
When Rosemary Harper joins the crew of the Wayfarer, she isn't expecting much. The Wayfarer, a patched-up ship that's seen …
‘The red soil and the long, wooded hills… the twisted houses with old bones of blackened oak. And the apples. …