Audrey Neffenegger: Her Fearful Symmetry (EBook, 2009, Random House Group Limited) 3 stars

At last: another brilliant, original and moving novel from the author of THE TIME TRAVELER'S …

Review of 'Her Fearful Symmetry' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Lovely, charming, sad. A little more subdued than [b:The Time Traveler's Wife|14050|The Time Traveler's Wife|Audrey Niffenegger||2153746], but just as involving. I feel I won't want to read it again, but can't exactly express why. Maybe just because of the killing of the kitten and Valentina faking her own death, which were both triggery for me, in different ways. Maybe just because it makes me sad that nothing comes out quite right in the end.

A bit amused I happened to read this on the heels of [b:Never Let Me Go|6334|Never Let Me Go|Kazuo Ishiguro||1499998]. Apparently I am on a "regretful sad stories where people are kind of jerks to each other, that take place in present-day England but with some magical realism" kick.