Reviews and Comments
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Denya 🇺🇦 commented on Last Passenger by Will Dean
Denya 🇺🇦 rated Живые люди: 5 stars
Живые люди by Яна Михайловна Вагнер
Привычного мира больше нет, он сузился до стен ближайшего дома. Кто там - живые или мертвые, друзья или враги? Человек …
Denya 🇺🇦 rated Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well: 4 stars
Denya 🇺🇦 finished reading Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well by Jamie Chan
Denya 🇺🇦 commented on The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay
Denya 🇺🇦 commented on Живые люди by Яна Михайловна Вагнер
Denya 🇺🇦 commented on Живые люди by Яна Михайловна Вагнер
Denya 🇺🇦 commented on Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well by Jamie Chan
Denya 🇺🇦 reviewed Fearless Interviewing by Marky Stein
My review of 'Fearless Interviewing'
5 stars
I read 2/3 of this book, it is very easy reading. Up to chapter 8, negotiating salary. I will read this chapter as well, but the previous chapter are more applicable, as I would be willing to accept basic salary.
I have been on many interviews, but I do not get offers. Often times I do well on the technical part but not on the other half of the interview, eg. non verbal communication, being relaxed and enjoyable to be around. This book offers exercises and advice on how to be prepare for and answer common interview questions. I have printed out these exercises and intend to complete them. I like how the author breaks down skills into different catagories; general skills, job specific skills, gifts, etc. The author also includes advice for interpersonal success with interviewer.
At least I will be more prepared for interviews by having prepared answers …
I read 2/3 of this book, it is very easy reading. Up to chapter 8, negotiating salary. I will read this chapter as well, but the previous chapter are more applicable, as I would be willing to accept basic salary.
I have been on many interviews, but I do not get offers. Often times I do well on the technical part but not on the other half of the interview, eg. non verbal communication, being relaxed and enjoyable to be around. This book offers exercises and advice on how to be prepare for and answer common interview questions. I have printed out these exercises and intend to complete them. I like how the author breaks down skills into different catagories; general skills, job specific skills, gifts, etc. The author also includes advice for interpersonal success with interviewer.
At least I will be more prepared for interviews by having prepared answers to common questions, appropriately dressed and knowledge of company prior to interview.
At most I will have improved my general skills - interpersonal/people interaction