@gersande@millefeuilles.cloud I went in pretty much blind, mostly knowing the author from seeing her being read on my commute. Found it to be a pretty captivating read with complex dynamics between characters, though I felt the conclusion was a little weak. Neither really came to a big climax or wrapped things up, it just continued on in a largely similar style until it was over.
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25% complete! Nicholas Boyd Isacsson has read 5 of 20 books.
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Nicholas Boyd Isacsson started reading Vikarien by David Norlin

Vikarien by David Norlin
Anna söker en plats i livet där hon är någons förstahandsval, något mer än en tillfällig besökare. Hon har varit …
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson replied to Gersande La Flèche's status
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson finished reading Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson started reading Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson finished reading Til T by Suzanne Brøgger
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson wants to read Little Man, What Now? by Hans Fallada
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson started reading Til T by Suzanne Brøgger
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson finished reading Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne

Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne
Phileas Fogg, a very punctual man had broken into an argument while conversing about the recent bank robbery. To keep …
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson finished reading Kongens Fald by Johannes V. Jensen

Kongens Fald by Johannes V. Jensen
Med forord af Dorthe Nors.
Den unge bondesøn Mikkel Thøgersen kommer til København for at studere i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet. …
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson wants to read Return to Haifa by Ghassan Kanafani

Ghassan Kanafani: Return to Haifa (1969)
Return to Haifa by Ghassan Kanafani
Return to Haifa is a novella written by Palestinian author and journalist, Ghassan Kanafani, which mainly depicts the Palestinian-Israeli conflict …
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson wants to read The Information by James Gleick

The Information by James Gleick
From the invention of scripts and alphabets to the long misunderstood "talking drums" of Africa, James Gleick tells the story …
Nicholas Boyd Isacsson wants to read Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question by Jade Sasser

Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question by Jade Sasser
The first book-length exploration of climate-driven reproductive anxiety that places race and social justice at the center.
Eco-anxiety. Climate guilt. …