Becky Chambers: Record of a Spaceborn Few (AudiobookFormat, 2018, HarperAudio) 4 stars

Centuries after the last humans left Earth, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a …

good book

4 stars

I liked it! After finishing the trilogy-so-far, I think the first book is my favorite (the second was my favorite for a lil bit, but the first one has been growing on me over time). That's not to say this one wasn't great! It's a real cool look at communities trying to preserve their identity and struggling with the loss of identity as they join a larger community. I'm actually real inspired to try and explore this kind of thing in a game project. I love a cozy lil community and the cozy lil community sized problems that come with it. Nothing is overwhelmingly a threat to their survival, but all the problems are about communication, selfhood, individuality, and meaning.