John Berendt: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1999, Vintage Books) 4 stars

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4 stars

I've had this book a long time. Tried to start reading it several years ago and gave it up for other reading. After a recent trip to Savannah (my first time there) in June I decided to pick it up and try it again. I liked it but this time around I was familiar with a lot of what they had talked about with regard to history and layout of Savannah so I think that helped to make it a bit more interesting for me. Certainly can't discount the fact that the book is filled with interesting characters and many twists and turns. At times it's hard to believe that all these characters are truly real-life people but I guess every city has their share of drama. The way the book is promoted I thought it was going to be a bit more suspenseful but it's more like reading a soap opera. Having been a bestseller it was worth the read to see what all the fuss had been about.