
reviewed The Shining by Stephen King (The Shining, #1)

Stephen King: The Shining (1980) 4 stars

The Shining is a 1977 horror novel by American author Stephen King. It is King's …

Review of 'The Shining (The Shining, #1)' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Look. I’m a book snob. Some time between the ages of 16 and 20, I went from simply enjoying books to believing I should only read “quality” books.

Despite the fact that during that time I read two Stephen King books and was secretly very impressed by one (Different Seasons), King has never fallen into the category of quality for me.

Fortunately, my 17-year-old nephew is cleared eyed than I am, and recommended that I read The Shining.

I’m glad he did because this was an amazing book.

I expected suspense and terror, but what I didn’t expect was how well crafted this book is.

King spends over half the book developing his characters and the themes that run throughout. He spends the time well. At the halfway point, I was fully invested in the characters.

The book is remarkably well plotted, without feeling as if it’s been well plotted. The events feel like they came naturally one after another.

In fact, even without the suspense and terror, this would be a remarkable book.

But it is the attention to character and narrative that make the suspense and terror work. It was my investment in the characters that kept me riveted for the last 100 pages, that brought tears to my eyes during an expected, beautiful and heartbreaking moment towards the end.

I’m still a recovering book snob, but I’m grateful for my nephew’s recommendation that has shown me my errors in judgement.