Mark Frauenfelder: Made by hand (2010, Portfolio) 4 stars

From the Publisher: From his unique vantage point as editor-in-chief of MAKE magazine, the hub …

Review of 'Made by hand' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I really enjoyed this book. While this book is essentially several extended blog posts strung together, Frauenfelder is a capable writer. He knows how to take his various DIY projects and spin them into an entertaining story.

He's also remarkably humble and honest. One of the central themes of the book is that the best way to learn is to make mistakes. And Frauenfelder has made some doozies, from moving his entire family a tropical island to inadvertently killing his much-beloved chickens.

I suspect if you've spent any amount of time working with your hands, Frauenfelder will come off as what he is and admits to being: a bumbling amateur. This book probably isn't for you.

But if you—like me—have spent much of your adult life working at a computer and would like to try a few things you don't have the first clue how to do, this book is fantastic. It will inspire you to try something new get it terribly wrong and learn from your mistakes.