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otterpop Locked account

Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

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Cal Newport: Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout (Hardcover, Portfolio) 3 stars

Our current definition of “productivity” is broken. It pushes us to treat busyness as a …

This book gave me a few ideas I think I'll try to put into practice. Particularly, having an active and holding tank list where I only work on maximum 3 things at once. I'm also going to try and schedule time for more deep focus at work, as that's something I've been struggling with, the myriad tasks keeping my thoughts shallow.

finished reading Stoner by John Williams

John Williams: Stoner (Paperback, 2006, New York Review Books) 4 stars

William Stoner is born at the end of the nineteenth century into a dirt-poor Missouri …

This was a great short novel. It's very mundane and down to earth, somewhat jarring and refreshing after reading a lot of high fantasy and such. It reminds me of the lyrics to a Shad K song: . It's the tale of an ordinary man growing old, and for some reason it enthralls the reader.

I thought it was lesser known, but reading about it after finishing it, it looks like it had a resurgence of popularity in the 2010s and is now quite well known. It's interesting to me to see pieces like this gain popularity after the author is no longer around.