
Review of 'Study Guide' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The writing, at first, comes across as methodical and impersonal, just as you would expect in a scientist’s journal. Our narrator is the biologist and there is a certain care take over descriptions of the flora and fauna. However, through flashbacks the reader learns a bit more about what makes her tick and her relationship with her husband.

The nature of Area X makes the biologist the perfect perspective to introduce us to this world where the plant-life is more than meets the eye. I understand the next book in the trilogy is from a different narrator, which pleases me. That makes a trilogy something more than just one story split into three.

There was a point where I started to wonder if Area X is just some big psychological experiment. Each team is accompanied by a psychologist, who does more than just monitor their mental state. Are they just being manipulated? The mystery surrounding the Event is rather suspicious. There are a lot of observations about the nature of scientific study and how people see the world differently.