
The challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, the first detailed examination of the …

Review of 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book has fundamentally changed the way I relate to technology once for all. I did have some of the thoughts exposed in the long and well researched essay, but I did not know how to put them in words or actions.

It is extremely long but also extremely well written, it presents examples and goes very deep into the circumstances, context and ideological traces of the long chain of economists, psychologists and researchers that are behind the surveillance capitalist theories, which then are applied by great corporations such as Google, Facebook, or the owner of goodreads, Amazon.

I don't think I've highlighted more concepts, ideas and paragraphs than with this book. It is a must read or listen to anyone wanting to get deep on the guts of the beast. You will learn why and how your data is exploited (concepts such as "behavioural surplus" are pure gold), why the lie of "if it's free you're the product" is really damaging, because you can still pay for the service and you're still the product, for example Spotify, and you will start researching tools to protect yourself and your close ones from being constantly under surveillance.