
"Bolz-Weber takes no prisoners as she reclaims the term 'pastrix' (pronounced 'pas-triks,' a term used …

Review of 'Pastrix' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I read this on the plane on my way to NY, which I guess might not be the best environment (lots of screaming babies, so I was distracted a lot.) But it did keep me captivated for a big chunk of the cross-country trip - it's an easy, page-turning read.

It's entertaining, and an interesting look into the current "progressive Christian person of the moment." She comes across funny and smart, as well as vulnerable and broken, like so many of us. I think that's what I liked the most - she's telling the story of a life I can relate to, and her path from fundamentalism through paganism, UUism, then finally to Lutheranism is one I understand, and has similarities to my own path. I'm not a 12-stepper, but I have great respect for those who walk that path, and she writes about what that's been like for her in interesting ways.

Her theology is different than mine but I can respect where she is coming from, and it is very clear that if I were in her congregation, she could respect my perspective as well.

Anyway, it is a fun and worthy read. I'd recommend it for just about anyone.