
Review of 'Table of Less Valued Knights' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm torn between 3 and 4 stars here - it was fun and light-hearted and an easy read, can't say it was extremely well-written but it was an amusing alternate look at the tales of King Arthur from the hypothetical perspective of a knight who belongs to "The Table of Less Valued Knights" (the lowest status knights of Arthur's court - not the Round Table, not the regulars, but below them). From asides about how boring Arthur's dinner table conversation is to the revelation that King Pellinore's Questing Beast actually just turned out to be a stray cat to the very situationally-named Lady of the Lake, who may also be a Woman of the Well, Damsel of the Door, Beauty in the Barn, etc etc depending where she is ... well, it's just a silly romp through the Arthurian legends, mainly following a disgraced knight and two damsels in distress.