Logan Ury: How to Not Die Alone (2021, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

Review of 'How to Not Die Alone' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I don't love the title of this book - it rather implies that being alone is a bad thing, and also, about 50% of everyone who DOES find a lasting relationship will still die alone anyway because couples do not die at the same time in most cases. And there's nothing in the book about dealing with THAT. I also do not love the author's tendency to make up cutesy portmanteau words for things.

However, it's still an interesting read. It's not as statistics-driven as Dataclysm (written by one of the founders of OKCupid) but Ury does pull in some actual science as opposed to just writing about her opinion, and structures the book to provide clear direction and step-by-step suggestions, which seemed like a helpful way to do it.

Interesting read and a quick one too so why not take a look if the topic interests you!