
reviewed Half-off ragnarok by Seanan McGuire (InCryptid - Ghost Roads 2013, #4)

Seanan McGuire: Half-off ragnarok (2014) 4 stars

When Alex Price agreed to go to Ohio to oversee a basilisk breeding program and …

Review of 'Half-off ragnarok' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Another in the InCryptid series following the Price family of cryptozoologists - unlike the first two, which centered around Verity Price, this novel moves to feature her brother Alex, who works in a zoo and spends his leisure time researching non-intelligent cryptid ecosystems in the swamps of Ohio. In his spare time, he's dating visiting Australian zookeeper Shelby Tanner and working with a variety of reptiles plus a gorgon assistant Dee. When one of the zoo's interns turns up semi turned to stone, and Dee swears it's nothing to do with the local gorgon community, Alex is caught up in trying to find the culprit while continuing to try and act like a normal reptile researcher to Shelby. Things, of course, get more complicated as it starts to look as if the petrifying attacks aren't just a coincidence but are following Alex and Shelby around.

Much of the same as the last couple books, with fewer high heels and snark, but also really not a lot more depth to the story. Alex is kind of annoying, Shelby is kind of annoying, the characters don't entirely seem to react to things logically, and Sarah the cuckoo cousin from the previous novels is a sort of continuing side plot that doesn't really go anywhere or do anything. Eh. Probably won't bother continuing this series, I gave it a try but time to move on I think.