Aliette de Bodard: Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders (EBook, 2020, Jabberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.) 4 stars

Lunar New Year should be a time for familial reunions, ancestor worship, and consumption of …

Review of 'Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Vietnamese dragon prince and his sexy fallen angel husband visit dragon family in Paris for Lunar New Year? Sure! As usual this year I have no idea how this ended up on my reading list but sounded interesting and it's a fairly short novella that didn't take long to consume. I didn't realize till after I finished that this is set in the Dominion of the Fallen world and would fall after book 3 in that series. It IS a stand-alone so it didn't matter that I hadn't read anything else by the author before. However, I do feel as if I probably missed a lot about the world-building and the relationship between the two husbands. Still, it was an interesting world to explore just through this novella, clearly very detailed and very political, and everyone seems to have an animal alternate-form as there were dragons, crabs, and all sorts of other beings mentioned.

The two protagonists are visiting family for a holiday and investigate a murder on the way, since as "outsiders" they have more leeway to ask odd questions. Along the way they, and we, learn more about what's really going on. It was interesting enough that I might pick up the earlier books in the series at some point, although I wasn't so blown away that I'm rushing out to read them very next thing. Definitely a cool world though, so I'm sure more of it will be interesting.