David Mitchell: Thinking About It Only Makes It Worse (Hardcover, 2014, Guardian Faber Publishing, imusti) 4 stars

Review of 'Thinking About It Only Makes It Worse' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a collection of opinion pieces from a series of opinion columns written by British comedian David Mitchell for one of the English newspapers. In the audiobook introduction recorded in 2019, Mitchell notes the book was published in 2014 based on columns written since 2008, and comments about looking back at everything he'd complained about in the past.

"And who knows how comparatively lovely the terribleness of now may seem if things continue to go wrong with anything approaching their current rate. I suppose to continue the shit hitting the fan metaphor, which I know you're all absolutely rooting for me to do, this time of there being a coating of poo on everything will seem comparatively nice when we're all dying of cholera from having accidentally and repeatedly ingested it."

As I listened to this in self-isolation in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic after most of Australia caught fire and just as mass anti-racism protests and riots broke out globally, I could only agree with his assessment there.

That said, Mitchell's brand of humour is somewhat effete, upper-middle-class British complaint style. "Observational complaining" might be a good description. He does it pretty well and it's funny, but he's also very focused around British current events and politics so a reader who isn't British and isn't familiar with what was happening there at the time may be a little lost in places. So if that isn't you, be warned.

Overall though, in the midst of a pandemic and far worse things going on in current events, I'm afraid multiple hours of Mitchell moaning about pretty insignificant things just didn't really hit the mark with me. Possible I just picked the wrong time to listen to it.