Pentapod reviewed The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicle, #2)
Review of 'The Wise Man’s Fear' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Second book in the Kingkiller probably-trilogy (as yet unfinished). Points to this book as it wraps up well, not on a cliffhanger like the last one, although clearly the story is still unfinished. Not quite as good as the first, but covers a TON of ground; Kvothe continues at the university, takes a break to go work for rich-as-kings Maer Alveron, hunts down bandits stealing Alveron's tax collections, continues investigating the mysterious murderers of his parents, continues failing to do anything one way or another about Denna, befriends an Adem warrior and starts to learn their martial arts and language, meets Faenriel of the fae realms, and goodness, so much more I can't even summarize. It was all interesting but did seem as if it could have been a bit more concise... but, hard to judge how much of this detail will turn out to be needed until the third book is done.
Kvothe remains very much a Mary-Sue character; ridiculously powerful and can't seem to do anything wrong for long. Still, he's a fairly charming narrator so I continue to mostly forgive him, despite the fact he can apparently do almost anything he puts his mind to and some things he doesn't. Third and final book will be the proof of whether all this wandering gets wrapped up neatly or whether it really was just wandering from an author who isn't sure how this all ends any more than we are!. Jury's still out on my part, but looking forward to finding out.