
Review of 'Canadianity' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Taggart and Torrens have a podcast called Canadianity and this book is essentially a companion piece to the podcast. They dedicate a chapter per province and go all across Canada with personal anecdotes, bar and restaurant recommendations, and other highlights. They also cover a lot of nostalgia that Canadians of a certain age (probably 30s and over) will appreciate - from Heritage Moments to the Friendly Giant and Mr Dressup. It's amusing but seemed aimed at fans of the podcast or the authors and not so much for a broader audience. Maybe as a bathroom book to flip through the anecdotes, but it's really more a set of sketches and lists than a coherent book. Will Ferguson probably did the "who are Canadians" type humour book better with "Why I Hate Canadians".