Barney Hoskyns: Bachelor Brothers Bed and Breakfast
                Wyatt Book (2000, St. Martin's Griffin) 4 stars

Review of 'Bachelor Brothers Bed and Breakfast\r\n \r\n Wyatt Book' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Came across this on a list of feel-good books, and since it was Canadian like me, ordered it on a whim. It's basically a collection of short stories based around the eponymous bed & breakfast establishment run by twin brothers Hector and Virgil. Each chapter is basically a self-contained little story, most of them told either by Hector or Virgil but occasionally a short biographical story told by one of the guests who comes to stay in the bookish B&B. If you enjoy short, amusing, homey stories about the everyday lives and foibles of everyday people, you'll enjoy this book.