Review of "Let's pretend this never happened (a mostly true memoir)" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
If you're familiar with the author's blog, this book is in the same style and you'll most likely enjoy it. If you're not familiar with The Bloggess this book may be confusing and surprising, but still very funny. The audiobook is read by the author herself, and I enjoyed hearing the stories in her own voice. There's a lot of new content, so even those who follow the blog closely will enjoy the stories, although some of the classic blog incidents (like Beyonce the giant metal chicken) are also included. Victor gets a lot more description and generally in a flattering light since his presence in the blog is mainly in the role of frustrated or confused or harried husband. In summary: I am amused by the blog and I was amused by the book, your mileage may vary. The only part I didn't like was the outtakes at the end of the audiobook which seemed a little forced.