John C. Maxwell: The five levels of leadership (Hardcover, 2011, Center Street) 4 stars

True leadership isn't a matter of having a certain job or title. In fact, being …

Review of 'The five levels of leadership' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I picked up this audio book because I'm interested in learning more about leadership and understanding how to be a better leader as well as employee. I wasn't disappointed, this is a very clearly written book which outlines five different types or stages of leadership ability, helps you to identify which you fit into, and helps point you in the right direction to improve other areas. Reading the book gave me a clearer understanding not only of the areas I need to focus on to improve, but also a better understanding of where bosses I have had in the past were weak and strong. Even if you're not a leader, this is a very interesting book to read as it helps understand the bigger picture and how to evaluate and understand the people who lead you. The narrator is also a good speaker and was pleasant to listen to.

The only two things I would have changed: some more specific examples of leadership conversations would have been nice, especially in the areas where he's talking about leading without having any official leadership position. He gave a few high level examples but in some of the areas more actual examples of what he's talking about would have been both interesting and helpful. And second, although the audio book is narrated very well, I think this might actually have been more helpful if I'd bought the print version, since for me anyway it's easier to keep track of lists and points if I can refer to them on a page rather than listening. I might pick up a print copy if I want to refer to this again.

Overall I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who is a leader of any level, and anyone struggling to enter or understand the business world.