Neal Stephenson: Reamde (2011, William Morrow) 4 stars

Reamde is a speculative fiction novel by Neal Stephenson, published in 2011. The story, set …

Review of 'Reamde' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I really wanted to like this book more. I've read everything Neal Stephenson has written and I work in the video game industry, so I thought this sounded like the best book ever, and was thrilled to be able to borrow an advance copy. But unfortunately it was nowhere near the standard of 'Snow Crash'. It wasn't even very much about the online game described in the book blurb; it was really a quasi-techno thriller about spies, terrorists, long-drawn out shoot-outs, and international intrigue that just happened to involve a couple people who worked at or played a multiplayer online game. That said, there were still some interesting ideas in there. His discussion of the APPIS interface to map real world work to in-game rewards was interesting, as was his description of the economic basis of the game world, for example. Most of this was sidetracks though, not really relevant to the plot.

The book was lengthy at almost 1000 pages, and could easily have been cut in half without losing substance. It left me suspecting that Stephenson has reached a point in his reputation at which editors are now afraid to tell him to be more concise for god's sake, so he just rambles on and on when he really shouldn't.

As far as the story and plot go, they were okay (though drawn out with rambling explanatory details and irrelevant sidetracks). However, as someone who works for the same type of game company that Stephenson is supposedly describing, I was occasionally brought to a jarring stop at some description he used that was just very much NOT the way this type of game, or a game company, works. Even if we postulate this is set slightly in the future, there are some things he described that just don't make sense, and it bothered me. It bothered me because in' Snow Crash' and 'The Diamond Age', Stephenson was clearly way ahead of the pack and describing amazing technological possibilities that we're still far from achieving; in 'Reamde', he seems to have given this up entirely. Instead, he talks about existing technologies like Twitter and Facebook by name, rather than speculating on what the next progression will be. He talks about online game mechanics and game companies in ways that show he not only doesn't know a thing about them, but also couldn't be bothered to ask someone who does to fact check him. And although this might not bother readers who are less familiar with the internal workings of the game industry, it made me very sad, and also significantly lowered my expectations of ever seeing another 'Snow Crash' out of him in the future. :(